Rayanna Blea
forced perspective edits!

the straight line between the missile and the target1. What is your image of? Explain.
My images are of what it seems to be someone sitting on someone else's head, one is where it looks like she's pushing him down with her elbow, another one is what it looks like "no gravity" and were falling off so were holding, it looks like he is in the trash can because the way he is standing, and what oit looks like she is holding up his leg.
2. How does this image use force perspective? Explain.
They use forced perspective becuase we used a technique that employs optical illusion to make an object appear farther away, closer, larger or smaller than it actually is
3. How did you create this image? Explain
We looked up images and recreated them in our own way. We just had to get everyone to work together to get them just right.
4. What was hard about creating this force perspective image? Explain.
Trying to figure out how we could get most our group in the picture. Looking to see which objects we could use and who would be best to stand away or what role they playin whatever image we tried. The whole part of forced perspective was sort of hard it wasn't as easy as I thought it would be.
5. How do you think line of sight, depth of field and distance affected the image? Explain.
The DOF is the distance between the nearest and farthest objects in a scene that appear acceptably sharp in an image. The straight line between the missile and the target