Rayanna Blea

1.The photographer name is John shaw, he is still alive and he still is working. He like to photograph nature and he travles all over to take his pictures. He has been a professional photographer since the early 1970, his work has been published i many publications and books. In 1997 he recevied the first-ever Outstanding Photographer Award.
2.I picked this photographer because I love nature and traveling as well. He has some outstanding pictures that he took. This caught my eye because I like to do th same kind of photography.
Photography Reseach
1. This photo has an abundance of color. Its not lacking an color at all.
2. The content of this photograph is mountains and the desert. You can see some trees and stuff around. The mountains are more like huge rocks.
3. The type of photograph is a landscape.
4. I think photographis it straight photography.
5. I think it would have a calming emotional pull to it.
6. That our nature is beautiful and we should take time to really look at it.
7. I think is image is amazing. Its so beautiful and makes me want to go find this place to see it in real life for my own eyes. I love this picture!
1.This photo has an abundance of color its not lackingan type of color at all.
2. The content of this photograph is some rocks in what it looks like a little stream or something close to that. The rocks are were placed very nice in this stream look alike.
3. This photograph would be a type of landscape.
4. This picture is straight photography.
5. I dont think this image holds any type of emotional pull to it.
6. That the simplest things can be just as amusing as something like a place of flowers or building (skycrappers).
7. I think this image is cool, like the color and the way the rocks are placed it very nice. I think if we were to add water to the image it would be a lot better though.
1. The photograph has an abundance of color its not lacking any at all.
2. The content of this image would be a panda and grass.
3. The type of photograph would be nature.
4. I think this image is straight photography. I don't think he messed with it in any way.
5.The emotional pull to this would be claming and happy.
6. That nature is beautiflu. There's probably an animals we never seen in person .
7. I think the image is BEAUTIFUL because i love pandas and it sooths my mood.
1. There is color its just not very bright and outstanding.
2. The content of this photograph is a bird and a sunflower is what is looks like to me.
3. The type of photograph wouuld be nature.
4. I think this image would be straight photography I don't think its modified in any way.
5. I don't think this image has any type emotional pulls to it.
6. The photographer is trying to say to take time and notice things around us. Look outside the box.
7. This image is pretty cool, it has the bird and a dead flower. The bird looks like it was trying to eat or something. The photographer caught the bird at a perfect time.
1. There's a few colors here they don't really stand out that much though.
2. The content of this image is a baby monkey.
3. The type of photograph this would be is nature. It could count as a self portrait to depending on how you look at it.
4. I think this image is straight photography i don't see where it would've be modified except that he may have croped it and zoomed it in.
5. I don't believe this image holds any type of emotional pull to it.
6. He was trying to say to look outside the box, there.s more out there than what we think.
7. I think the image is pretty exciting because there's a monkey in it and their cute. It makes me wanna become a nature/landscape photographer.

1.This photo has some color to it but not I think her hair and outfit stands out the most.
2. The content of this photograph is lady who is posing for the camera.
3. The type of photograph this would be is probably a portrait and fashion.
4. I think this image would be straight photography, i don't think its modified in anyway.
5. The emotional pull to this image would be happy.
6. I don't think the photographer was trying to say anything.
7. I think the image is very cool. I like the way they made the lady stand out.
1. The abundance of color is amazing!
2. In this image has the content of a Native American women who dressed in the things they would wear.
3. The type of photograph this is a portrait and some fashion.
4. This image is straight photography its not modified by anyone.
5. I think this image has an emotional pull of happiness.
6. The photohrapher might be trying to say that fashion is much more interesting than we may look at it.
7. I think the image is amazing, I love how her clothes and how they look on her. Her face expression is like she amused of confused its cool.
1. The image has a few colors but most of it white.
2. The content of this image is a girl sitting there with something in her mouth. She looks kind of scared in a way.
3.The type of photograph this image may be a portrait and fashion.
4. I think they may have modified this image to make certain things stand out more.
5. The image does hold an emotional pull to it, this emotion would probably be calming, confused, and maybe be suspicious.
6. The look on our faces explains a lot.
7. That face expression could say a lot even when we have nothing to say. I like this image it says a lot even thou we dont think so.
1. This image doesn't really have a lot of color to it.
2. This image has a content of a lady's face and she looks happy with the the face expression she gives off.
3. The type of photograph this is would a portrait.
4. This image looks to me as its straight photography.
5. The emotional pull to this this image would be happy, and mischievous.
6. That the simplest things may be the most beautiful things we see.
7. I think image is beautiful, she looks so pretty. She seems so calm and happy. All her feelings were captured in a simple shot.
1. This image has a few colors witch makes the girl stand out more than anything else.
2. The content of this image is a girl standing there with a background of a little lake and some mountains.
3. The type of photograph this image would be a portrait, some landscape, and some fashion.
4. This image looks like it could've been modified by the photographer because the colors kind of fade to make her stand out.
5. A calming emotional oull to this image.
6. I don't think the photogrrapher was trying to say anything, or maybe he was and I just don't see it.
7. I really like this image because she stands out, looking at this image she's the thing that caught my eyes.
Nicole Bentley
1. Nicole Bentley is still alive, she is still working as a fashion photographer. It doesn't say how she likes to work.
2. I picked this photographer because I like fashion and her pictures caught my eye.

Jay Maisel
1-2. Jay is a famous modern photographer. He is still alive, he still works. His photos are simple, and he doesn’t use complex lighting or fancy cameras. He often only takes one lens on photo outings, and he enjoys taking photos of shapes and lights that he finds interesting.
1.These photos have an abundance of colors. Then i also added a few that are really simple and don't have a lot of colors to them.
2.In the first image there are people with balloons, the second image is a clock and a window in the background, the third one is a little boy and a giant teddy bear but the bear is a statute, the fourth one a trinagle and some people in the background, the fifth one is city and building, and the sixth one is lady's face mostly her eye.
3. They would be landscape, a portrait, and maybe a snap shot for the balloon and people.
4. I think they would be straight photography except the black and white ones.
5. These images would hold a calming emotional pull.
6. There's more to life than what we see.
7. I like these images they are very nice and simple.

1. The images are all b&w, there is no color to them.
2. The first image is of a girl possing under a bridge and the little moped in the back, the second image is of a man sitting on what it seems to be a chair, the third is of lady with a strange look on her face, the fourth one is a man with his fingers in mouth and he seems to be thinking, the next one is of lady who is just posing for th camera, the very last one is a lady standing on a bridge looking off to the side.
3. These would be landscape and a (self) portrait.
4. They would be straight photography.
5. These would have a confusing emotional pull to them.
6. Our face expressions say a lot even when we don't speak.
7. I like these images because of the background and the looks on their faces.
Brian Duffy
He was a British photographer who shot fashion in the 60′s and 70′s. He lost his photographic interest at one time, and burned many negatives, but then began taking photos again a year before he died.

Ansel is probably the most easily recognized name of any photographer. His landscapes are stunning, and he achieves an unparalleled level of contrast using creative darkroom work. You can improve your own photos by reading Adams’ own thoughts as he grew older, when he wished that he had kept himself strong enough physically to continue his work.
1. These images are all b&w they don't have and abundance of color in them.
2. The first image is a tree with some snow on it, the second one is a field of what we call call crops, the third one is a hunge tree with what it looks like fog around it and a little bright light in the very back, the next one is a sand hill with what it looks like to be a snakes trail all thw way through it, the fourth one is like a little island or a beach with the sun in the background, the very last one in a pine cone with leafs around it.
3. These are all landscapes.
4. They are straight photography the only he would've done was maybe turn the photos b&w unless you can do that on a camera.
5. These images have a calming emotional pull to them.
6. That nature is beautiful we just got to open our eyes to things and se the bigger picture in everything.
7. I love thes images they are stunning. They really caught my eyes. They aren't that simple but there are some really neat landscapes.