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Journal #1

1. What classses do you have this year? The classes I have this year would be photography 2, English, US History, Alegbra 2, Geology, Spanish, and Forenics.

2. What do you think about the classes so far? Explain. Well so far I like all  of my classes because their easy. I have friends in all of them so that makes them better. I have cool teachers this year and that makes it better because some teachers and I don't really click so i don't like talking to them. I love taking pictures so i'll love this class!

3. Is there anything interesting coming up in any of your classes or something you are dreading? Explain. In my Forenics class some of the labs coming are gonna be interesing. I really like this class because i wanna be a CSI. I can't wait we start these labs.

4. Is there a certain class you are worried about passing this year? Explain. The only class i'm stressed about passing would be Algebra 2 because i'm good at math! I think this would be my weakest subject.

5. What did you do this summer? Explain. Well i didn't do much this summer but hang out with my friends and family. I worked for half the summer then i had the rest to myself. I went to the movies a lot with my brother's. I didn't get to travel this summer though

Journal #2

1-2.) My photography research poject is going okay. I only have one person done, I couldn't decide on what kind of photography i wanted to research. I finally found John Shaw who photographed nature and when he travels. He really has some good pictures and his work is amazing. I think that's what I'm gonna focus on while doing this project (nature). I think nature is beautiful because you can capture something that may be there now but will it be there in 5 years with the way everything is now?

3. I haven't found a picture that I wanna duplicate yet. I would wanna try something having to do with nature like trees or mountains or maybe some type of animal. I don't really know how I would make it my own, it would be my first time trying something like that. I sort of have an idea but i don't know for sure.
4. I think there are so many genres of photography because not every person has the same interest in what they like to capture threw a lens. Some people may like nature others may like to take pictures of food and drink. It just depends on the person and what they like and what they wanna take pictures of 
5. Do you lean towards older photographers or newer photographers for you inspiration? Explain.
6. What do you plan to do this Holiday weekend? Anything fun? Explain. 

Journal #3


1-2. What style of Photography did you end up picking for your photographer research? Why did you pick that style? Explain.

I ended picking landscape and fashion. I kind if just jumped around from one to another one. I picked these because i like fashion and landscapes are beautiful. I couldn't choose just one type of style for my photography research. A lot of these caught my eye because they looked so unreal. A lot of the these had amazing landscapes like i would've never thought that you could capture something like that in one picture. 

3. Is there a photo you want to try and recreate? Why do you want to recreate it? How do you think they made the image in the first place? Explain.

There isn't a photo that i want to recreate because i think they are perfect just the way the are. They look amazing the way the photographer made them. I think they just took them with a camera. I don't think they were modified in anyway.

4. What was the easiest thing and the hardest thing about doing the photographer research? Explain.

The easiest thing about the photographer research would probably be the questions and the pictures. The hardest part to me was find a person that i actually liked. Some of the questions were hard because i couldn't really tell what the photographer was trying to say through the images.

5. What have you learned about Photoshop? What have you figured out and what do you want to learn more about  how to use? Explain.

I have some more things i need to mess around with because i don't really understand them. I have learned a lot more than i knew because Mr. House didn't really teach us photoshop. I want to learn all of it way more than i know so it'll come naturally and i wouldn't have to second guess everything.

6. How have your other classes been going?  Are you worried about any of your classes? Why? Explain.

My classes have been great i have good grades in all of them. They are all pretty fun and i have learned a lot so far. I'm not worried about anything except for Algebra II. i think that's the only class i'll have trouble with this year. 

7. How do you think you did this past six-week? What will your grades look like? Explain.

I did pretty good this six weeks i have good grades in all my classes. I didn't get anthing less than a C in all of my classes. If i just stay on top of all my assignments this year would be a piece of cake. I plan to pass this year with A's and B's maybe one C.

8. What do you need to do to improve or maintain your grades for the next six-weeks? Explain.

I just need to stay focused and stay on task. I tell myself that i got to do this for myself because no one else is going to do it for me. I really just want to finish high school and move on with my life. I'm going to motivate myself to do better and keep up with everything. I really don't want to stay in high school longer than i have too. I'm making up all of my credits that i missed last year which was the first semester of geometry.

9. Do you think all your classes are going to stay the same way or get harder through out the year? Expalin.

I think all of my classes are going to stay the same pretty much the only one that might change would be math. I prepared myself for the worse even though i don't think anything bad will happen. Our teachers pretty much lay everything out for us when we first get here so i think i got this. 

Journal #4

1. Explain the rule of thirds?

In the rule of thirds, photos are divided into thirds with two imaginary lines vertically and two lines horizontally making three columns, three rows, and nine sections in the images. Important compositional elements and leading lines are placed on or near the imaginary lines and where the lines intersect.

2. Why would you use the rule of thirds? Explain.

You would use rule if thirds photography and rightly so as it is the basis for well balanced and interesting shots.
3. Why is composition important to a photographer? Explain.

The term “create” is intentional. My own philosophy when capturing a photo is not to focus on a subject, but to focus on the image. The image includes the background elements that complement the subject in focus. And it’s these elements that you arrange to create a composition.

4. How do you use the rule of thirds? Do you need special tools? Explain.

You use rule of thirds with a camera, you don't need any special tools.

5. What is symmetrical and asymmetrical compositions? Explain.

One thing that can put a viewer off the photograph more than anything else is the use of symmetry which doesn't quite work out. If you are using symmetry, then it has to be absolutely symmetrical, or it is pointless. A deliberately asymmetrical photograph may not even be noticed by the viewer, as it looks more natural and less formally composed. Photography tips will often advise against symmetry simply due to the likelihood that complete symmetry will be missed

6. How do you make a stagnate image and an intriguing image? Explain.

A stagnate image is usually of water that is standing still; without flow or current. A intriguing image is arousing great interest or curiosity. A stagnate image is boring it doesn't have a flow to the water or anything. The intriguing image has a curiosity feeling to it and it interests you.

Journal #5

1. What did you think about walking on the grid? If you didn't why not?

I didn't get a chance to go walk on the grid. I was working on things on the bottom. I want to try the grid next time if possible. I think i'd be scared to go on it because im afraid of heights. I like trampolines though and our teacher said it was kind of like that.

2. Are you worried about what is on your report card? Why or why not?

I'm not worried about what's on my report card becuase i think i did good this 6 weeks. I already know my grades i just get to see them on a piece of paper. I got good grades from what i seen on i-parent.

3. What did you notice about shooting outside? How did the light affect your images? Explain.

The sun made my hair glow and it looked really good. I like the lighting frim the sun it makes everything look good. Its way different from the lighting inside.

4. How is shooting in the black box with lights so different from being outside? Explain

It was different because we had bright lights in our face and it made certain things stand out more than others. I like the lighting from the sun more than the black bos though. We used some bright lights and it made my hair glow sort of to but not as much.

5. What do plan to do next week during Fall Break? Explain.

I plan to spend time with daddy and family. I think we'll have a little get together and cook or something fun like that. I plan to mostly stay inside and stay warm except for riding my bike to Mickey D's. I will go to church on Sunday and then go out to eat though.

Journal #6

1-2. How are your forced perspective images coming along? Explain.

My forced perspective images are coming along good. I had plenty of ideas that we could use its just weird to get everyone to do things like lay on the floor and things. I think the pictures we took the other day were pretty good.

3. Did you find a forced perspective image that you want to emulate? Explain and show me.

i like this image because it looks like their sitting on a thing of coffee mix or something.

I think i want to emulate the image to the right.

4. What has been the easiest thing about forced perspective or is there anything easy about it? Explain.

I don't think it'll be as easy as we think because a lot of things have to be jsut right in order for it to work.

5. What are you going to do next week with your 3 days off from school, besides eat a lot? Explain

I'm going to hang out with my family and watch football, cook, bake some sweets, and just have a good

time doing the things i enjoy the most.

1. How did you like the idea of forced perspective? Explain.

The idea of force perspective was pretty cool. I like the whole idea about it! I thought it was really fun and time consuming. It kinda look a lot to take the picures and get everything in focus just right.

2-3. Was it as easy as you thought it would be? Explain.

It wasn't as easy as I thought i'd be, but it kind of depended on the type of pictures you wanted to take. Like i said to get everything in focus just right was a little challenge. It was worth the hard work that went into them though. To get some people to do the poses that we wanted was kind of hard. We did this one where we lay on the floor and the kids didn't want to lay on the floor.

4. Did you get any shots that worked well with forced perspective? Explain.

Some shots did work really well like the one we took where it looked like someone was sitting on the others head. That one very easy. Some pictures we took came out kind of blurry but we went through them to try and fix them (like taking them again).

5. Explain depth of field to me in your own words?

Depth of field is the amount of distance between the nearest and farthest objects that appear in acceptably sharp focus in a photograph.

6. Which do you want for forced perspective an large aperture or a small aperture? Explain.

I would want a large aperture. I like this because everything seems to bigger in the front than in the back. I think that is cool because you can make it look like your holding really tall building and stuff.


Journal #7

Journal #8

1/3. Tell me about a family tradition your family does at Christmas time? Explain.

We have a family tradition that we all go to my grandma's on Christmas Eve and then at midnight we open presents. While we wait be eat the food my grandma made like chile, rice, sweet rice, tamales, enchladas, etc. Then on the 25th we go back to my grandma's and eat some more we open some more presents and bake cookies we also save our pumpkin roll for this day. We also go to chuch as a family and after  we watch the football games.

2. What is your favorite christmas food and dessert? Explain what they are.

My favorite dessert is pumpkin rolls we wait all year to make and eat these. My favorite food would be tamales. My mom buys throughout the year but they only taste good during Christmas. I don't really know how to explain a pumpkin roll except the fact that they take forever to make.

4. What family member always makes christmas interesting or memorable? Explain.

My crazy cousin Cynthia makes Christmas memorable because she's always make us laugh and telling stories. She likes to make jokes and have a good time with everyone.

5. What do you intend to do for New Years Eve? Explain.

I think were going to my grandma's and light some fireworks and my cousin likes to shoot the gun in the mesa because usually theres nobody around out there. I plan to spend it with mmy family  at my grandma's because that's what we do. We watch the crystal ball drop in New York on tv as well.

6. What do you intend to do besides sleeping during break? Explain.

I plan to hang out with my boyfriend, friends, and family. My birthday is on January 5th so we might go out and go something together. I plan to take my drivers test and put in some job app. and just make my brake productive and fun.

7. What Holiday movie do you have to watch at this time of year? Explain.

i like to watch any cartoon movie.

8. What do you want for Christmas this year? Explain.

clothes, boots, jewlery

9. What is the best present you have ever received? Explain.

a puppy <3

10. What is the best present you have ever given to someone? Explain.

clothes to the needy, my attention, and something i've made from scratch.

Make Up Shooting Day

I like this picture because the meaning behind the the quote. Just because everything isn't going perfect doesn't mean you can't see past it and be happy. I think life is to short to spend weeping about things we have no control over. I think we can see past the imperfections and just think of it as if it is perfect because everything happens for a reason.

Journal #9

1. How did your gritty portraits come out? Explain.

I think my gritty pictures came out good. I thought they were suppose to look like the one on our class website. For awhile I thought i was doing them wrong becuase they looked really different.  I think they came good for being the pictures they were, the sun made them look more out there. The eyes stood out because the sun and made them easier to color.

2. What type of photography do you want to do next? Explain why.

I'm pretty open to a lot of things so it don't matter. I want to learn something new. I want to something exciting! I like to be outside so maybe something we can shoot nature (the down fall is we have to stay on school campus).

3. How are your other classes going? Explain.

My classes have been great i have good grades in all of them. They are all pretty fun and i have learned a lot so far. I'm not worried about passing them because i've been doing everything i have to do. I'm just tryna graduate so i don't have to be in high school longer. I'm getting all my stuff together now so i'm prepared for my senior year. 

4. How did your student led conference go? Explain.

I didn't have a student led conference because I had an IEP.

5. What do you plan to do for spring break? Explain.

I plan to hang out with with my family and my boyfriend. I want to go watch 50 to 1. I want to go the zoo as well. I love to go walk around the zoo because it like walk thru nature and some "wild" animals. I plan to make my break productive and as fun as possible.

1. What images do you intend to use for your portfolio? Why? Explain.

I intend to use images that I have taken over the period of time of this class wether its inside the class or out on the street. I want to use these images because because it shows some progess and things that intrest me. Plus there really isnt much pictures we could take at school.

2. Will your portfolio have a theme or just random? Why? Explain.

My portfolio will be random because it depends on what things really catch my attention or things I really think is good.

3. If it is random images how are you going to organize it so it flows together? Explain.

I'll organize from what i think is better to something like humans, animals, landscapes, favorite places, art, etc.

4. Do you think 40 images is enough to show what you can do as a photographer? Explain.

I think 40 images is enough but again i don't think so. I say that because some people may like different things and other stuff stands out to them. They may have different eye for different things. Like i like landscapes amazing but some may like portraits of humans.

5. What kind of photographer do you want to be? Tell me why?

I want to be a landscape photographer because nature amuses me. I love to go to different cites and capture the moment i had in a picture. I like for other people to see the beauty in nature and getting out the house to explore new things. I think nature is amazing in every way. 

Journal #10

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