Rayanna Blea

1. What is the image of? Describe it in detail.
This image is of two kids playing basketball from what it looks like but the ball is actually the sun or moon. The clouds are really thick looks like some stormy weather.
2. How does this image use forced perspective? Explain.
It uses force perspective because the "ball" looks like its really close when its really far away.
3. How do you think they created this forced perspective? Explain.
They probably got the sun right before it went oassed the court.
4. How would you have created it? Explain.
I would've done the same thing they done i think it looks good the way it is.
5. How do you think line of sight, depth of field and distance affected the image? Explain.
It effected the image because it looks like their actually playing basketball with the sun.
1. What is the image of? Describe it in detail.
This image is of the eiffel tower and the guys hand looks like he's holding it or squeezing it.
2. How does this image use forced perspective? Explain.
This image uses force perspective because its far away and it looks like the man is holding it. This isnt possible because the tower is huge compared to people.
3. How do you think they created this forced perspective? Explain.
They created this image by going far enough to make it seem like the guys hand is bigger than the tower.
4. How would you have created it? Explain.
I would've done what they done because that was the only way it would've seemed possible.
5. How do you think line of sight, depth of field and distance affected the image? Explain.
By making it look like the man's hand is bigger than the eiffel tower.
1. What is the image of? Describe it in detail.
This image is of a guy "holding" the stratosphere in Vegas.
2. How does this image use forced perspective? Explain.
Uses force perspective by making it llok like the man is a giant and could actually hold the tower.
3. How do you think they created this forced perspective? Explain.
By sitting on the ground with the camera and having the guy stick his arm up at a slant to make it look like he was grabbing the stratosphere.
4. How would you have created it? Explain.
I would've done it the same way they done it because it only makes sense to do it like that .
5. How do you think line of sight, depth of field and distance affected the image? Explain.
By making it look like he is tall enough to actually grab the 1,149-foot tall Tower is a one-of-a-kind fixture in the Vegas skyline.
1. What is the image of? Describe it in detail.
The image is of spray can that looks like it spray painting the sky (the clouds).
2. How does this image use forced perspective? Explain.
It makes the clouds seem so close and actually coming out of the can. Or makes it seem like he can be so close to the sky.
3. How do you think they created this forced perspective? Explain.
THe sat or lay on the ground while the guy was standing up and the zoomed a certain part in.
4. How would you have created it? Explain.
I would've done what they did.
5. How do you think line of sight, depth of field and distance affected the image? Explain.
By making everthing seem so close and that you can "paint" them on the sky.
1. What is the image of? Describe it in detail.
This image is of a hand holding a water bottle and it "created" the stream in the background.
2. How does this image use forced perspective? Explain.
Bt making it look like the water is coming out of the bottle to create the steam.
3. How do you think they created this forced perspective? Explain.
By getting the water bottle where it needed to be and took a oicture the water pouring out and made it look like the water is part of the stream or whatever it is.
4. How would you have created it? Explain.
I would've done the same thing as them.
5. How do you think line of sight, depth of field and distance affected the image? Explain.
By making the water look like it created the stream.
1. What is the image of? Describe it in detail.
Of what it looks like one girl threw the other and she touched the sun.
2. How does this image use forced perspective? Explain.
By making it look like she can touch the sun while getting thrown up.
3. How do you think they created this forced perspective? Explain.
By throwing her up and her sticking her arm out and them catching the image at the perfect time. They made her close sort of close to the sun to be able to touch it.
4. How would you have created it? Explain.
The same way they did.
5. How do you think line of sight, depth of field and distance affected the image? Explain.
By making it seem as if she touched the sub but in reality she would've of burned because of how hot the sun is.
1. What is the image of? Describe it in detail.
This image is of a crane and it looks like its grabbing the moon with the little hook.
2. How does this image use forced perspective? Explain.
By making it look like the moon is so close and the crane can actually grab it.
3. How do you think they created this forced perspective? Explain.
By standing close to the crane and gettig the camera at a right angle to look like the moon is being caught by the hook on the crane.
4. How would you have created it? Explain.
The same way they done it.
5. How do you think line of sight, depth of field and distance affected the image? Explain.
By making it seem like the crane actually caught the the moon.