Rayanna Blea

I didn't really have a certain theme to my images, well at least i didnt think so. My pictures for my portfolio were mostly nature, my favorite places, human photgraphy, and things that i thought caught my eye. I like things that stand out! I think nature is also really cool. I picked my "theme" because it intrested me.
Each picture i chose for my portfolio worked because they all sort of flowed together. They all were they same type of things. They all have some nature, places, and/or people in them. They all have to do with a theme in some type of way. No thye don't all match because eavh time something new caught my eye.
These photos of nature show i'm a good photographer because i think i got some really good shots. I think i took pictures that i wouldn't have tooken. I think i did a good job at taking these pictures. The ones of my favorite place are good ones to because they have a good setting to them. They look really cool at the point i was standing. They have a lot of detail and color. The ones with my fellow classmates are good ones to because they all have some type of pose. My classmates look happy and they smiled in most of them.
I think you should hire me because i think i got a good eye for a lot of things. I think i showed stuff that stood out to me more then others. I showed that i can take pretty good pictures! I like to see myself as a photographer for weddings, nature, or just for people that want to go into my shop. I know i still have room to get better but for a start they look good.